Saturday, February 23, 2019


Isabella @ 3 years old

I got pregnant with Isabella when Joshua was only three months old. We learned that I was pregnant on the day my husband would be travelling to Manila for his trip back home to Illinois. I was so nervous that time and didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t ready for a second baby. I gave birth through cesarean section with my first born baby. I was horrified. My husband comforted me and said it is God’s gift.
I was already almost 8 months pregnant when I was having contractions. I sent a message to my OB doc that night and she told me to take isoxsuprine for three times a day and have to call her in the morning or in the afternoon if it still persists. I asked my brother to go and buy at the pharmacy. I took it that night and the next two days. My OB-Gyne have been calling a lot and kept on telling me I should go to the hospital if the pain is persistent. The pain would come and go away so I thought it was only false labor but on the third day, very early morning I felt that excruciating pain which wouldn’t go away so after 3 hours of still having the pain, I asked my brother to drive me to the hospital.
When we went to the hospital ER, they found out that my cervix is already 8cm open. My OB gyne came rushing and in less than 2 hours I gave birth to my daughter through cesarean section. I was thankful because she is strong at 2.5 kgs, everything is ok except that she swallowed some meconium thus the nurses have to suction.
            She came out on the fifth day of November year twenty fourteen at past nine in the morning, same day her dad arrived in Manila from US  at past nine in the evening. He was totally surprised. Yes, we learned that I was pregnant with her on the day her dad travelled to Manila for his trip to the US and she came out on the day her dad came back from the US.
            She is now four years old and growing up so quick.

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