Thursday, February 21, 2019

A Mother's Letter

I want to start this by saying “I love you”. I have learned a lot being a mother to both of you. I have always thought the role of a mother is to teach their innocent kids but your innocence have made me realized a lot of things. I am not a perfect mother but I promise you both that I will love you with all my heart. You are the ones who keep me going. There are a lot of times, I want to give up but when I look into your eyes and listen to your sweet voice, I just can’t do that.

I feel so guilty for not giving my best to both of you and yet you always look up to me, always want to be with me and stay with you but if I have to be away and work, I will and hope that someday you will understand why I have done such. I just want to give you the best and I don’t want you to go through what I went before. It is like music to my ears when you say “mommy”, the joy resonates in my heart and in my soul. You never know how I feel, when you always want to hug and kiss me or when you want me to kiss  and hug you.

I am full of flaws but to you, I am perfect and the best and always say, when you grow up you want to be like me and work, I still can’t understand what you both mean because I don’t have much, in fact I have nothing precious but my love for you. I don’t want you to be like me, I want you to travel your own road and not someone else’s, I want you to find your own destiny and be happy. At a young age, you have a lot of dreams, you want to be doctors, you want to climb the mountain, you want to sing and dance, you want to sell, you want to be everything, you want to buy your own car and house. I pray that you will always have that zeal in life and I know you will be both successful and happy in life.

There are a lot of things, I have missed to teach you or didn’t realize it is important for you to learn. I am also a work in progress and still learning how to be a good mother to both of you. Being a parent, I now understand why there are people who fear having kids,a parent could either break or make a child’s future but I pray for God’s guidance.

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